21 Excise rule, ivory, 2 slide,2 side, 12½ + 6 gauge rods, Loftus
 | 22 Excise rule, boxwood, 2 slide, 2 side, 12" + 6 gauge rods, Buss
 | 23 Excise rule, boxwood, 2 slide, 4 side, Thomas Cooke, 1727, 24"
 | 24 Excise rule, boxwood, 3 slide, 4 side, J. Gilbert, c. 1750, 24"
 | 25 Excise rule, boxwood, 2 slide, 4 side, Everard type, 18"
26 Excise rule, boxwood, 2 slide, 4 side, 15"
 | 27 Excise rule, boxwood, 4 slide, 4 side, Cook, 12"
 | 28 Dicas Comparative rule, boxwood, 1 slide, 2 side, Dicas, 11"
 | 29 Excise rule, boxwood, 4 slide, 4 side, Edw. Roberts, 12"
 | 30 Excise rule, boxwood, 4 slide, 4 side, Dring & Fage, 12"
31 Excise rule, boxwood, 2 slide, 4 side, 12"
 | 32 Excise rule, boxwood, 4 slide, 4 side,xi Edw. Roberts, 12"
 | 33 Excise officer's Table Book, No. 246, unused, c. 1800s
 | 34 Excise rules (2), boxwood, calculating and dipping, 2 side, 1 fold, Brannan type
 | 35 Excise rules (2), boxwood, 3 slide, 4 side, 12"
36 Excise rule, boxwood, 4 slide, 4 side, RIX, 12½
 | 37 Excise rule, boxwood, 3 slide, 4 side, Saul Parsons, 1767
 | 38 Excise rule, boxwood, 3 slide, 4 side, 12½
 | 39 Excise rule, boxwood, 4 slide, 4 side, Cook, 12½
 | 40 Clarke's Centigrade Hydrometer rule, boxwood & ivory, 1 slide, 2 side, Dring & Fage, 10½
41 Excise rules (2), boxwood, calculating and dipping, 2 side, 1 fold, Brannan type
 | 42 Excise rule, boxwood, 2 slide,2 side, Cook, 9" + gauge rods
 | 43 Excise rule, boxwood, 5 - S 12" section gauging rule
 | 44 Excise rule, boxwood, 3 fold, 4 - 12" sections
 | 45 Excise rule, boxwood, 4 slide, 4 side, probably by Thomas Barnett, 6"
46 Excise rule, boxwood, 3 fold, 4 - 6" sections
 | 47 Excise rule, boxwood, 4 slide, 4 side, Louis & Brigg 1799, 6"
 | 48 Excise rule, boxwood, 4 slide, 4 side, Edwin Roberts 1760, 9"
 | 49 Excise rule, boxwood, 4 slide, 4 side, Edwin Roberts 1750, 9"
 | 50 Excise rule, boxwood, 4 slide, 4 side, Louis & Brigg 1799, 9"
51 Excise rule, boxwood, 4 slide, 4 side, Dring & Fage pre 1824, 12"
 | 52 Excise rule, boxwood, 1 slide, 1 side, Dring & Fage, 26"
 | 53 Book: Gauging Unmasked, John Ballard, 1783
 | 54 Book: Chronicles of the Customs Dept., W. D. Chester, 1885
 | 55 Book: Use of Gunter's Quadrant, 1st ed. Leybourn. 3rd ed. Leadbetter, 1731
56 Book: Masting, Mast Making Robert Kipping, 1856
 | 57 Book: Arithmetique Made Easie, Edm. Wingate, 1652.
 | 58 Book: Sikes Hydrometer, S. Brooke, 1824
 | 59 Book: Sikes Hydrometer, S. Brooke, 1821
 | 60 Book: Sikes Hydrometer Tables, Dring & Fage, 1862
61 Book: Gunter's Sliding Rule, William Moulton, 1843
 | 62 Book: Utility of the Slide Rule, Arnold Jillson, 1884
 | 63 Book: The Carpenters Rule, John Marquart, 1853
 | 64 Book: Book: Utility of the Slide Rule, Arnold Jillson, 1874
 | 65 Book: The Woodsman's Handbook, Henry Graves, 1902
66 Book: The Spirit Merchant, William Loftus, 1870
 | 67 Book: The Licence-Holder's Handy Guide, A.J.Harris, rev. by Fred LIttle, 1934
 | 68 Book: The New Artificial Gauging Line or Rod, William Oughtred, 1633
 | 69 Book: Practical Mensuration A. Nesbit, 1850
 | 70 Book: Blaster's Handbook, Arthur La Motte, 1930
71 Book: Use of an Hydrometer, act of parliament, 1816
 | 72 Book: Mathematical Instruments, John Robertson, reprint of the 1775 Third Edition
 | 73 Book: Logarithmische Rechentafeln für Chemiker, Prof. Dr. F.W. Kuster, 1905
 | 74 Book: A Box of Instruments And the Slide-Rule, Thomas Kentish, 1852
 | 75 Book: A Useful Compendium Rev.Thomas Watson,1812
76 Book: Hopuss's Practical Measurer, John Smith, 1848
 | 77 Book: Hawney's Complete Measurer, Third Ed. 1813
 | 78 Book: Patten's Slide Rule Instructor, William Patten, 1858
 | 79 Book: Problematical Recreations, Litton Industries, c. 1962
 | 80 Book: Problematical Recreations, Litton Industries, c. 1962
81 Book: Construction and Use of the Sector, rev. by Edmund Stone, 1729
 | 82 Book: The American Crisis, Thomas Paine, 1819
 | 83 Book: The Universal Gauger, William Gutteridge, 1821
 | 84 Book: A Compleat System of Astronomy, 2 vol. set, Charles Leadbetter, 1828
 | 85 Book: Comstock's Philosophy, 1838
86 Book: The Sliding Gunter, Andrew Mackay, 2nd Ed.1812
 | 87 Book: The Construction and Use of the Logarithmicall Tables, Edmund Wingate, 1848
 | 88 Book: The Line of Proportion, Gunters Line William Leybourn
 | 89 Book: The Brewer, William R. Loftus, 1857
 | 90 Book: On the Construction Of Iron Roofs, Francis Campin, 1868
91 Book: Mathematical Tables, Charles Hutton, 1804
 | 92 Book: Mechanick Dialling Or The New Art of Shadows, Charles Leadbetter,1737
 | 93 Book: The Complete Measurer William Hawney, 1775
 | 94 Book: The Merchant and Seaman's Expeditious Measurer, a Set of Tables, author unknown
 | 95 Book: Koppus's Measurer, author unknown
96 Book: The Use of the SlideRule, F. A. Halsey, 1903
 | 97 Book: The Gauger's Guide, Thomas Kentish, 1861
 | 98 Book: An Intire System ofArithmetic, Edward Hatton, 1721
 | 99 Book: The Compleat Surveyor, William Leybourn, First Edition, 1653
 | 100 Book: A New Theory of the Earth, William Whiston, 1696
101 Book: The Practical Gauger, William Symons, 1821
 | 102 Book: Statutes on Beer, Ale, And Other Liquors, printed by John Baskett, 1721
 | 103 Book: Concise System of Mensuration, Alexander Ingram, 1822
 | 104 Book: A Treatise on Brewing, Alexander Morrice, 1802
 | 105 Book: A Collection of All The Statutes, James Wafton, 1724
106 Book: The Description of a Ruler, Samuel Foster, 1852
 | 107 Book: A Treatise on Gunter's Scale and the Sliding Rule, George Curtis, 1824
 | 108 Book: The Practical Gauger William Symons, 1794
 | 109 Book: Gauging Made Easy by the Help of a Sliding-Rule Thomas Everard, 10th Ed. 1738
 | 110 Book: A New System of Mercantile Arithmetic, Michael Walsh, 1807
111 Book: The Art of Measuring, John Ham, 6th Ed. 1845
 | 112 Book: The Art of Measuring, John Ham, 5th Ed. 1832
 | 113 Book: A New System of Arithmetic, John Davidson, 1780
 | 114 Book: Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetic, Tho. Lydal, 1710
 | 115 Book: Instrumental Calculations on the Sliding Rule, T. B. McLeod, 1854
116 Book: Tables for Purchasing Estates, William Inwood, 11th Ed. 1847
 | 117 Book: Philosophical Princi- ples of the Science of Brewing, John Richardson, 1788
 | 118 Book: Practical Measuring, E. Hoppus, 1767
 | 119 Book: The Excise Officer's Manual, J. Bateman, 1840
 | 120 Book: Tables of Simple Interest, Thomas Bowyer
121 Book: The Gauger's Guide, Thomas Kentish, 1861
 | 122 Book: A Box of Instruments And the Slide-Rule, Thomas Kentish, 1854
 | 123 Book: The Scholar's Arithmetic, Daniel Adams, 1819
 | 124 Book: French Maps of California 1779, from Diderot's Encyclopedia,1997
 | 125 William Oughtred, Florian Cajori, 1916, With dust cover
126 Book: William Oughtred, Florian Cajori, 1916
 | 127 Book: The Statistical Account of Kinross-Shire, By The Ministers of the Respective Parishes, 1841
 | 128 Book: Instructions for the Searchers, 1846
 | 129 Book: The Carpenters Rule, Richard More, 1602, Reprint 1970
 | 130 Book: Stereometry or the Art of Gauging Made Easy by the Help of a Sliding-Rule, Thomas Everard, 1712
131 Book: The General Gauger, John Dougharty, 1750
 | 132 Book: Tables de Logarithmes, published in Paris, 1838
 | 133 Book: Hoppus's Practical Measuring, E. Hoppus, 1837
 | 134 Book: Construction of Logarithms, 1802
 | 135 Book: Sundials History, Theory, and Practice, Rene R. J. Rohr, 1965
136 Book: A Treatise of Mechanical Instruments, John Robertson, 1775
 | 137 Book: The Practical, Complete and Correct Gager, Oliver Byrne, 1840
 | 138 Book: Drawing and Mathematical Instruments, William Stanley, 1925
 | 139 Book: Surveying and Levelling Instruments, William Stanley, 1895
 | 140 Book: Geodaesia, Or the Art of Surveying, John Love, 1868
141 Book: A Treatise on Practical Mensuration. A. Nesbit, 1846
 | 142 Book: The Scholar's Review, Dudley. Leavitt, 1811
 | 143 Book: K & E 1897 General Catalogue, full size
 | 144 Book: K & E 1903 General Catalogue, pocket size
 | 145 Book: K & E 1921 General Catalogue, full size, with 1921 Price List
146 Book: K & E 1927 General Catalogue, full size, with 1929 Price List
 | 147 Planimeter, Improved Willis by F. L. Robertson
 | 148 Planimeter, Improved by Lippencott
 | 149 Planimeter, By Crosby Steam Gauge, probably made by Amsler
 | 150 Planimeter, K&E 4210 after 1921 Keuffel and Esser
151 Planimeter Manufactured by Lietz
 | 152 Bate's Saccharometer for breweries by Dring and Fage
 | 153 Board of Trade for checking safe loading of ships
 | 154 Scale Set by Stanley
 | 155 Slide Rule, Foxboro Valve Sizing About 5" long made of folded stainless steel
156 Sikes Hydrometer with weights & thermometer
 | 157 Customs & Excise 43" Head Rod by Dring & Fage
 | 158 Rule, Special, Harrow Mark Reducer Aston & Mander 1917 Ltd
 | 159 Rule, Special rule for the tin plate industry J.P.Haynes Ltd Birmingham
 | 160 Rule, General, Keuffel Esser 20" Model 68-1749, NIB original green box
161 Rule, General, Tavernier Gravet in wood box, 20", with reverse C-type cursor
 | 162 Rule, General, K&E 4102, marked N <4102> Keuffel and Esser
 | 163 Rule, General, K&E 4110 Keuffel and Esser
 | 164 Rule, Special rule for cotton industry by Glaser Large Boxwood Rule, near new condition
 | 165 Rule, General, Pilot Balloon Slide Rule Mark 1, hinged black case, worn
166 Rule, General, Pilot Balloon Slide Rule Mark IV, hinged wooden case
 | 167 Rule, General, 16" Secretan Boxwood (Tavernier-Gravet -like slide rule)
 | 168 Rule, General, Froude BoxwoodRule with Large Metal Cursor
 | 169 Rule, General, Metal Rule 20", silver wash over brass, by L Casella, London
 | 170 Rule, General, K&E 6" Cox Duplex, nickel all metal cursor, no case
171 Rule, General, K&E 12" Cox Duplex, with extra slide, with worn two piece case
 | 172 Rule, General, K&E #4160 Chemist Rule Keuffel and Esser
 | 173 Sector, Large Boxwood Sector, 12", Adams
 | 174 Sector, Large 12" Brass Sector in hinged wooden box, Troughton London
 | 175 Sector, Large 8" Brass No Box, Thomas Jones London
176 Sector, An Early Brass Sector, 6", unsigned
 | 177 Sector, Boxwood, 6", unsigned, exc cond
 | 178 Protractor, Brass Thomas Jones London
 | 179 Rule, Gunter, 12" not signed
 | 180 Rule, Gunter, 12" not signed
181 Rule, Rafter, Ganga Ram's Rafter strain slide rule
 | 182 Saccharometer Boxwood Rule with slide made of bone Dring & Fage
 | 183 Rule, General, Nestler Model 12a, 5"a Mannheim, framed cursor
 | 184 Rule, General, Everite Textile Rule,edge buttons, exc cond
 | 185 Rule, General, Post slide rule. model 1452, 12" Mannheim, with two-piece case
186 Rule, General, Speed Time Distance slide rule,12", with two-piece box
 | 187 Rule, General, Nestler Model 23R, 12" Mannheim, two cursors, in hinged wooden box
 | 188 Rule, General, Radiac Slide Rule for Nuclear Fission, 13",two slide by Admiralty Research Laboratory
 | 189 Rule, Special slide rule for Chevron Oil Company
 | 190 Rule and Calculator, Faber Castell, 12" Addiator and slide rule, Model 1/87A with stylus
191 Rule, General, Boxwood 12" rule Jackson Bros, with nickelchisel cursor, has log scale on back
 | 192 Rule, General, Boxwood 12" rule, Jackson Bros, with nickel chisel cursor
 | 193 Rule, General, AW Faber celluloid on boxwood, no #, with decimal keeper cursor, with case
 | 194 Rule, General, T. Vinay Lenoir Gravet Boxwood 12"
 | 195 Rule, General, 12" boxwood with brass chisel cursor, Tavernier-Gravet, Rue Mayet 19, Paris
196 Rule, General, K&E early 4041 with metal framed cursor, Keuffel & Esser
 | 197 Rule, General, A W Faber Model 361, 12", with two piece box
 | 198 Rule, General, AW Faber, 6 inch Mannheim, Model 369, w case
 | 199 Rule, General, Faber Castell, Mod 1/87, 12" three hairlines, w two piece box
 | 200 Rule, General, Dietzgen Model 1767 Manheim 12"
201 Rule, General, Fowler Pocket Type H with original box and instructions
 | 202 Rule, General, Boykin RotaRule with orignal box and instructions
 | 203 Rule, General, Dempster RotaRule,Box, magnifier, case, and 2 manuals
 | 204 Rule, General, K&E 4135 Power Computer,early model, no original case
 | 205 Rule, General, 16" Sun Hemmi No. 200, 24 scales all folded 6 times
206 Rule, General, K&E 68 1200 20" Log Log Decitrig Duplex, Very clean, from 1970
 | 207 Rule, General, Fowler Pocket Type O with unmarked box
 | 208 Rule, General, K&E 4104 Polyphase Custom rule of unknown use, 1945 or 1956
 | 209 Rule, General, Unknown 20" Mannheim Marked "ACE Rule"
 | 210 Rule, General, Post 1491 By Hemmi, Chemist Rule
211 Rule, General, M & P Pocketwatch Circular Rule with timepiece
 | 212 Rule, General, Otis King Model L
 | 213 Rule, General, Otis King Model L
 | 214 Rule, General, Otis King Model K
 | 215 Rule, General, Early boxwood 2 square slides Unknown maker probably late 18th cent.
216 Rule, Excise, Early boxwood 2 slides Unknown maker probably early/mid 18th century
 | 217 Rule, General, Kentish's Slide Rule with 3 Slides
 | 218 Rule, General, Early boxwood 3 slides Unknown maker
 | 219 Napiers Bones, Early miniature set Anthony Thompson maker
 | 220 Napiers Bones, Set of larger bones Unknown maker
221 Hydrometer, Large set of hydrometer beads, B. Corte of Glasgow
 | 222 Hydrometer, Small set of hydrometer beads,xi C. Altria of Aberdeen
 | 223 Rule, Pencil, Devco 411T Pencil Slide Rule
 | 224 Rule, Pencil, Devco Pencil Slide Rule
 | 225 Rule, Pencil, Devco 410T Pencil Slide Rule
226 Rule, Pencil, Devco Pencil Slide Rule
 | 227 Rule, Pencil, Multi-Vider Pencil Slide Rule by Ruxton
 | 228 Rule, Pencil, Carbrononce Pencil Slide Rule
 | 229 Rule, Pencil, Ericcson Pencil Slide Rule
 | 230 Rule, Pencil, Kombinator Pencil Slide Rule
231 Rule, Pencil, Telescoping inch pencil scale
 | 232 Rule, General, K&E unmarked 4104, Custom rule se unknown, 1945 or 1956
 | 233 Rule, General, K&E N4053-5 Keuffel and Esser
 | 234 Rule, General, K&E N4053-5 Keuffel and Esser
 | 235 Rule, General, K&E N4088-5 Keuffel and Esser
236 Rule, General, K&E 4051 pre 1915 Keuffel and Esser
 | 237 Rule, General, K&E 4101xi Stadia Slide Rule Keuffel and Esser
 | 238 Rule, General, K&E 4051 Keuffel and Esser
 | 239 Rule, Demo, K&E 4081-3 8' Class demo, K&E 1956 scale set with SRT scale
 | 240 Rule, Demo, Pickett 4' Class demo, by Pickett
241 Rule, Demo, Welch 4' Class demo, Welch
 | 242 Rule, General, Hannyngton long scale rule, with added slide, Aston and Mander
 | 243 Rule, General, K&E 4012 Thacher Calculator, K&E serial # 5551
 | 244 Rule, General, Stanley Fuller Serial #2138, 1906
 | 245 Rule, General, Stanley Fuller Serial #6899, 1937
246 Rule, General Loga Calculator
 | 247 Rule, Excise, Cask End Calipers (4), Dring and Fage
 | 248 Rule, General, K&E 4012 Thacher Calculator, W.F. Stanley, no serial #
 | 249 Calculator, Curta Type I, Serial #4483
 | 250 Calculator, Curta Type I, Serial #12918
251 Calculator, Curta Type I, Serial #18929
 | 252 Calculator, Curta Type I, Serial #30599
 | 253 Calculator, Curta Type I, Serial #34730
 | 254 Calculator, Curta Type I, Serial #37792
 | 255 Calculator, Curta Type I, Serial #38786
256 Calculator, Curta Type I, Serial #64863
 | 257 Calculator, Curta Type II, Serial #503769
 | 258 Calculator, Curta Type II, Serial #512664
 | 259 Calculator, Curta Type II, Serial #513601
 | 260 Calculator, Curta Type II, Serial #532898
261 Rule,Vade Mecum for Timber Trade Slide Rule, Designed by George Bousfield
 | 262 Rule, Liquid Flow in Pipes Baines Slide Rule No.1 with reticulated metal connected scales, 2 slide, 2 side, 10"
 | 263 Rule, general, K&E 4092, clamshell cursor, 10"
 | 264 Rule, general, K&E 4071T, column cursor, 10"
 | 265 Rule, general, K&E 68 1400 Analon, 10"
266 Rule, general, American Blueprint Military Slide Rule, 10"
 | 267 Rule, general, Pickett 1050 Fuller Traffic Rule, 10"
 | 268 Rule, general, Pickett DeciPoint, magnesium, 10"
 | 269 Rule, general, Pickett DeciPoint, magnesium, 10"
 | 270 Rule, general, Pickett Model 2, magnesium, 10"
271 Rule, general, Pickett Model 4, early, 10"
 | 272 Rule, general, Pickett N3P-ES, 5"
 | 273 Rule, general, Pickett 600-ES, 5"
 | 274 Rule, general, K&E 68 1130 DeciLon, 5"
 | 275 Rule, general, Pert-O- Graph II, Critical Path Computer, complete set
276 Rule, general, Horse Power Computer for Steam Engines
 | 277 Rule, general, Norma Merkuria 190, 8"dia.
 | 278 Rule, general, Loga Topo 6400, 5" dia.
 | 279 Rule, general, Pickett 111-ES, 5" dia.
 | 280 Rule, general, Gilson Midget, sold by Dietzgen, 5" dia.
281 Rule, general, Norma Ronda 100, 4" dia.
 | 282 Rule, general, Scientific Instrument Co. Model 120, 5" dia.
 | 283 Rule, general, Scientific Instrument Co. Model 120, 5" dia.
 | 284 Rule, general, Star Sliding Disk Model 120, 5" dia.
 | 285 Rule, special, Forcing Disk for scheduling Forcing of tulips
286 Rule, general, Gilson Atlas Circular slide rule, spiral Scales, 8" dia.
 | 287 Rule, general, Gilson Binary Circular slide rule, 8" dia.
 | 288 Rule, general, Sperry Calculator, Serial No. 375, pocket watch type, top spindle inop.
 | 289 Rule, general, Faber-Castell 67/87Rb with Addiator on back, 5"
 | 290 Rule, general, Faber-Castell 67/54R with Addiator on back, 5", New in unopened wrap. Gift to attendees of 3rd International Meeting, 1997
291 Rule, general, Ivory Sector, John Crichton, 1850
 | 292 Rule, general, K&E Cox Duplex, brass duplex chisel cursor, 12"
 | 293 Rule, general, Mannheim, Kolesch & Co., N.Y., 5"
 | 294 Rule, general, Aristo 10065 System Gruter, 4 separate slides fit into case, manual, 10"
 | 295 Rule, general, Nestler Model 14 Mannheim, 10"
296 Rule, special, California Pavement Thickness Design Equation, by Relay/Ricoh of Japan, 10"
 | 297 Rule, general, Nestler 0281 Geometer, 10"
 | 298 Rule, special, German WWII Military rule, Dennert & Pape, 10"
 | 299 Rule, general, Faber-Castell 1/98m Electro, 10"
 | 300 Rule, general, Nestler Model 20 Mannheim, 10"
301 Rule, general, Mannheim, M.D.S. London, Pickworth data on back, 10"
 | 302 Rule, general, 4 scales, Decimal keeping cursor.
 | 303 Rule, general, Mannheim, J. Halden, 6 scales, 10"
 | 304 Rule, special, Grizzle Gas Pipeline Slide Rule, 2 cursors, 10"
 | 305 Rule, general, Pickett 600-ES, 5"
306 Surveying Clinometer, A. Lietz
 | 307 Rule, general, Atlas Square Circular, spiral scales, 8" dia.
 | 308 Rule, general, Gilson Binary Circular, 8" dia.
 | 309 Rule, general, Gilson Binary Circular, 8" dia.
 | 310 Rule, general, Gilson Binary Circular, 8" dia.
311 Rule, general, Gilson Binary Circular, 8" dia.
 | 312 Rule, general, Ross Precision, missing Cursor
 | 313 Rule, General, Pert-O-Graph II, Critical Path Computer,
 | 314 Rule, General, Triangle Solution Slide Rule
 | 315 Rule, General, Palmer's Computing Scale
316 Rule, General, SEXTON'S OMNIMETRE Craig Finley & Co. Philadelphia
 | 317 Rule, General, Boxwood Duplex Slide rule
 | 318 Rule, General, Boxwood Duplex Slide rule
 | 319 Rule, General, Boxwood Duplex Slide rule by Dring & Fage
 | 320 Rule, General, Boxwood Duplex Slide rule by Bate, London
321 Rule, General, "The Engineer's Slide Rule" Paper Scale Boxwood 2 Slide
 | 322 Rule, General, Boxwood Duplex Slide rule, Dring & Fage, 56 Stamford St. London
 | 323 Rule, Gunter, Boxwood Gunter's Rule, Merrifield & Co - Boston
 | 324 Rule, Gunter,Boxwood Gunter's Rule "NAVAGATION SCALE IMPROVED BY B:DONN"
 | 325 Rule, Gunter, Boxwood Gunter's Rule "BELCHER BRO & CO NEW-YORK
326 Rule, Gunter, Boxwood Gunter's Rule
 | 327 Rule, Gunter, Boxwood Gunter's Rule
 | 328 Rule, Gunter, Boxwood Gunter's Rule
 | 329 Rule, Special, Hudson's Horsepower Computing Scale W. F. Stanley
 | 330 Rule, General, Halden's Calculex
331 Rule, Military, Graphical Slide Rule in case, Keuffel and Esser
 | 332 Rule, Military, Graphical Slide Rule in case, probably Keuffel and Esser
 | 333 Rule, Military, Graphical Slide Rule in case, probably Keuffel and Esser
 | 334 Rule, General, Boxwood Bainbridge's Colliery Manager's Slide Rule
 | 335 Rule, General, Model 380 "Manheim Style" A.W. Faber
336 Rule, General, Lee'sxi Amortizer, Smith Lee. Los Angeles, California
 | 337 Rule, General, Brown's Slide Rule for Engineers Specialized rule for a ship's steam engine
 | 338 Rule, General, 20" Aristo, Darmstadt Dennert and Pape
 | 339 Rule, General, K&E 4083 16" Duplex Slide Rule Keuffel and Esser
 | 340 K&E 4045 16" Manheim Type Slide Rule
341 K&E 4050 20" Manheim Type Slide Rule
 | 342 K&E 4053-5 20" Polyphase Slide Rule 1915 - 1921
 | 343 K&E 4053-5 20" Polyphase Slide Rule 1923 - 1924
 | 344 K&E N4053-5 20" Polyphase Slide Rule 1934 - 1935
 | 345 K&E N4053-5 20" Polyphase Slide Rule 1947 - 1948
346 K&E 4053-5 20" Polyphasex Slide Rule 1961 - 1962
 | 347 The Small Calculator, Type 1 made by Gilbert Small
 | 348 The Fowler "Magnum" Long Scale Calculator - 4.5" Dia.
 | 349 The Fowler "Jubilee Magnum" Extra Long Scale Calculator - 4.5" Dia.
 | 350 The Fowler "Magnum" Long Scale Calculator - 4.5" Dia.
351 The Fowler "Magnum" Long Scale Calculator - 4.5" Dia.
 | 352 The Fowler "Magnum" Long Scale Calculator - 4.5" Dia.
 | 353 The Fowler "Universal Calculator" - 3.25" Dia.
 | 354 The Fowler Long Scale Calculator - 2.5" Dia.
 | 355 The Fowler Long Scale Calculator - 2.5" Dia.
356 The Fowler Textile Calculator, Type B - 4.5" Dia.
 | 357 The Fowler Textile Calculator - 4.5" Dia.
 | 358 Unsigned large Mechanical Engineer Calculator, unknown maker
 | 359 Pocket watch type calculator, Signed "Scientific Publishing Company", Forerunner of the Fowler& Co.
 | 360 Unsigned version of the "Mechanical Engineer", Pocket watch type calculator
361 Pocket watch type calculator signed "The Mechanical Engineer"
 | 362 "Calculigraphe" Pocket watch type calculator, Signed "Calculigraphe"
 | 363 "Calculigraphe" Pocket watch type calculator, Signed "Calculigraphe"
 | 364 Sperry Calculator by K&E
 | 365 Chesterman's Cattle Gauge,with retractable tape measure, maker Chesterman, Sheffield
366 Pocket watch type calculator signed "The Mechanical Engineer"
 | 367 Map Measure calibrated in "Inches", made by Charles Bruning
 | 368 Map Measure calibrated in ratios, Gebr. Wichmann
 | 369 Hand made special purpose rule made of wood, made by T. R. Brown
 | 370 Boxwood rule for steel industry, made by F. Rosson & Co., Newcastle on Tyne
371 Early Mannheim style rule, made by Jackson Brothers Limited, Armley Leeds
 | 372 Early Mannheim style rule, no maker's mark
 | 373 Mannheim with special scales, made by P.I.C. of London
 | 374 "Unique Universal "Slide Rule", Made in England
 | 375 Pickett "Decipoint", made by Pickett & Eckel, Chicago Ill.
376 K&E 4041, Pre 1915 with metal framed cursor
 | 377 K&E 4110 Power Trig Slide Rule
 | 378 "Ewart's Cattle Gauge Rule", made by Dring & Fage Makers 56 Stamford St. London
 | 379 Mannheim style with magnifier, made by Stanley of London
 | 380 Jeppesen Sanderson PJ-1 Plotter
381 E6-B Flight Computer, made by Aero Products Research, Inc
 | 382 Boxwood special purpose with no maker's mark
 | 383 Mannheim style, made by Ransom, 46 Dean St., Newcastle on Tyne
 | 384 "Addiplot" System HCLange
 | 385 R. B. Bate of the Poultry (1782-1847), made by Scientific Instrument Society
386 Four-fold Rule with Logarithmic Slide, made by J.B. Morris, London
 | 387 18 inch Boxwood Carpenter's Rule with brass foldout extension and slide, made byRobert Parks of Wolver Hampton
 | 388 12 inch Boxwood Carpenter's Rule, made by James Howarth, Sheffield
 | 389 12 inch straight, Boxwood Carpenter's Rule, made by Stephens & co., Riverton, CT
 | 390 36 inch 4 fold Boxwood Carpenter's Rule, made by John Dobie
391 24 inch 2 fold Boxwood Carpenter's Rule, Stanley #12, made by Stanley Rule and Level Co.
 | 392 24 inch, 2 fold, Boxwood Carpenter's Rule, made by Sampson Aston
 | 393 24 inch, 2 fold, Boxwood Carpenter's Rule, no maker's mark
 | 394 24 inch, 2 fold, Boxwood Carpenter's Rule, made by Standard Rule Co., Unionville, CT
 | 395 Early 6" brass sector, made by Michael Butterfield, ca 1700
396 Electrical Slide Rule, "Elektro", Model 1/98, made by Faber-Castell
 | 397 Duplex log log, Multilog Slide Rule, made by Aristo
 | 398 Ivory 6" 4 fold rule, Routledge, made by Bolton
 | 399 Six-inch Sector with NUM scale, made by Davis, Glasgow
 | 400 Four-fold Rule with Logarithmic Slide, made by J. Aston
401 Brass & Steel Navigation Divider 6.5", no maker
 | 402 Brass & Steel Navigation Divider 6", no maker
 | 403 Brass & Steel Navigation Divider 11", no maker
 | 404 Steel Navigation Divider 6", made by Overnor
 | 405 Steel Navigation Divider 8", made by S&W Co.
406 Steel Navigation Divider 5.5" & 6.5", no maker
 | 407 Steel Navigation Divider 5" & 7", possibly Japanese
 | 408 Brass and Steel Complete drafting set, made by Breda van Pelt
 | 409 Chrome Plated Navigation Divider, 7" made by Weem & Plath, Annapolis Maryland
 | 410 Early Amsler Planimeter, made by Stanley London - signed by Amsler
411 Tate Saccharometer, made by Dring & Fage London
 | 412 Tate Saccharometer, made by Dring & Fage London
 | 413 Book,"Mensuration Made Perfectly Easy" by Samuel Davis, no date, Written in old English, probably early 1700's
 | 414 Book, "Mensuration Made Perfectly Easy , SLIDING-RULE" date 1775
 | 415 Book, "Textile Calculations and the Structure of Fabricks" by Thos.R. Ashenhurst, 2nd edition 1886
416 Book, "A Description of the lines drawn on GUNTER'S SCALE" by William Mountaine
 | 417 Book, "Day's 'American Ready Reckoner' ", by B. H. DAY. Copyright 1886
 | 418 Book, "The Worsted Overlooker's Handbook", by M. M. Buckly, 6th edition
 | 419 Book, "A Treatise on Gunter's Sliding Rule" by William Moulton, 1843
 | 420 Book, "Lessons in Carpentry by The Slide Rule" by Robert Riddell. Copyright 1881
421 Fowler Textile, Circular Slide Rule, Type E1, made by Fowler and Company
 | 422 Fowler Textile, Circular Slide Rule, short scale, made by Fowler and Company
 | 423 Fowler Textile, Circular Slide Rule, Type B, made by Fowler and Company
 | 424 K&E 4092 Log Log Slide Rule
 | 425 K&E N4081-3, Slide Rule
426 K&E N4081-3, Slide Rule
 | 427 Dietzgen #1734 Decimal Trig Micro-Glide Slide Rule, made by Eugene Dietzgen Co.
 | 428 Log Log Duplex Decimal Trig Russian Slide Rule
 | 429 "Weight Slide Rule" with 2 slides, made by "Theodore Hass"
 | 430 George W. Richardson's Direct Reading Slide Rule
431 George W. Richardson's Direct Reading Slide Rule
 | 432 George W. Richardson's Direct Reading Slide Rule
 | 433 George W. Richardson's Direct Reading Slide Rule
 | 434 Carpenter's Rule, Thomas Bradburn & Son, 24" Boxwood
 | 435 Carpenter's Rule, Belcher BRO&CO NEW-YORK, 24" Boxwood
436 Carpenter's Rule, Upson Nut Company, Unionville, Ct, 24" Boxwood
 | 437 Sail Maker's Rule, No Maker, Boxwood, 24-inch Rule with Gunter's Slide
 | 438 Carpenter's Rule, Stanley Rule&Level Co. #16, Boxwood, 24-inch
 | 439 Engineer Rule, No Maker, 2 Slides of, unknown purpose
 | 440 Engineer Rule, Stanley Rule & Level Co, Boxwood, 24-inch
441 Engineer Rule, G. Buck 24 E Trottenham Ct, London, Boxwood, 24-inch
 | 442 Engineer Rule, C-S Co., Pinemeadow Conn., Boxwood, 24-inch
 | 443 Engineer Rule, Stanley Rule&Level Co. #27
 | 444 Engineer Rule, Marked 'Vulcan', Boxwood, 24-inch
 | 445 Engineer Rule, Clark & Co., "Hedge's Patented Rule", Unknown purpose
446 Engineer Rule, No Maker, Unknown purpose
 | 447 Carpenter's Rule, D. A. Stearns & Co., No. 5 Boxwood, 24-inch
 | 448 Carpenter's Rule, Richardson & Co., Middletown, Boxwood, 24-inch
 | 449 Engineer Rule, J Gleave & Son, Unknown purpose
 | 450 Folding Rule, J Rabone & Sons, Boxwood, 24-inch Rule, with inch Scales
451 Engineer Rule, H Chapman No. 49
 | 452 Engineer Rule, Maker Unreadable, Boxwood, 24-inch
 | 453 Engineer Rule, William Slater Bolton, Unknown purpose
 | 454 Carpenter's Rule, Maker Unknown, Boxwood, 24-inch
 | 455 Sun Dial Rule, Unknown Maker, 2 ft. 4 fold, Sun Dial rule
456 Rule, General, W H Brown, 2 ft. 4 fold rule
 | 457 Rule, General, Belchers Brothers New York, Four-fold, Boxwood Rule
 | 458 Clinometer, Stanley No 36, Folding Rule, Clinometer
 | 459 Clinometer, The Stephens Co., Folding Rule, Clinometer
 | 460 Clinometer, The Stephens Co. No. 36, Rule/Clinometer
461 Clinometer, The Stephens Co. No. 36, Rule/Clinometer
 | 462 Clinometer, The C.S. Co. No.36, Folding Rule, Clinometer
 | 463 Clinometer, Stanley No 36, Rule/Clinometer
 | 464 Clinometer, Stanley No 36, Rule/Clinometer
 | 465 Clinometer, Stephens & Co. No 36, Rule/Clinometer
466 Clinometer, Lufkin No. 863L, Four-fold Rule, with Level
 | 467 Clinometer, Watkins & Hill, Charring Cross London, Grantham's Clinometer
 | 468 Level, Unknown Maker, Brass and Ebony Level
 | 469 Square, Unknown Maker, Brass Folding Square
 | 470 Linear Slide Rule, Made by UTO, Model #1
471 Linear Slide Rule, Made by UTO, Model #1
 | 472 Linear Slide Rule, Made by UTO, Model #503
 | 473 Linear Slide Rule, Made by UTO, Model #503
 | 474 Linear Slide Rule, Made by UTO, Model #503
 | 475 Linear Slide Rule, Made by UTO, Model #561
476 Linear Slide Rule, Made by UTO, Model #603
 | 477 Linear Slide Rule, Made by UTO, Sadium Model #930
 | 478 Linear Slide Rule, Made by UTO, Model #931 U
 | 479 Linear Slide Rule, Eugene Dietzgen Co., Union Slide Rule
 | 480 Navagation Slide Rule, A/S Gert Schultz, Navagational, Computer
481 Calculator, Lotus-Flower Brand, Abacus
 | 482 Planimeter, OTT Germany, Dietzgen Cat., No. 1804A
 | 483 Rule, Unknown Maker, Segmented, Measuring Rod
 | 484 Linear Slide Rule, Faber Castell, Specialized rule, with Additator
 | 485 Framing Square, George A. Topp & Co., Topp's Framing Tool
486 Oil Can, Unknown Maker, Victorian Oil Can
 | 487 Measuring Tape, Hiram Farrand, Inc., Berlin, New Hampshire, Farrand Rapid Rule
 | 488 Measuring Tape, Maker not marked, Unmarked, Ferrand Rapid Rule
 | 489 Rule, Folded, Unknown Maker, 3" folded rule, 12" extended, Marked No. 65 12
 | 490 Rule, Folded, Unknown Maker, 3" folded rule, 12" extended, Marked No. 59
491 Rule, Folded, Unknown Maker, 3" folded rule, 12" extended, Marked No. 88
 | 492 Rule, Folded, Unknown Maker, 3" folded rule, 12" extended, Marked No. 66
 | 493 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 3" folded rule, 12" extended, Marked No. 3
 | 494 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 3" folded rule, 12" extended with Caliper, Marked No. 3
 | 495 Rule, Folded, E. A. Stearns & Co., 3" folded rule, 12" extended with Caliper
496 Rule, Folded, Keen Kutter 360, 3" folded rule, 6" extended with Caliper
 | 497 Rule, Folded, The C-S Co., 3" folded rule, 6" extended with Caliper, Marked #36
 | 498 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 3" folded rule, 6" extended with Caliper, Marked #36
 | 499 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 3" folded rule, 12" extended with Caliper, Marked #32
 | 500 Rule, Folded, No Maker, 4" 3 fold rule, 24" extended
501 Rule, Folded, No Maker, 3" folded rule, 12" extended with Caliper, Marked #386
 | 502 Rule, Folded, Lufkin, 3" folded rule, 6" extended with Caliper, Marked #386
 | 503 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 3" folded rule, 12" extended with Caliper, Marked #3 1/2
 | 504 Rule, Folded, No Maker, 3" folded rule, 12" extended with Caliper, Marked #32
 | 505 Rule, Folded, H Chapin, 3" folded rule, 12" extended with Caliper, Marked #70
506 Rule, Folded, Hocky Aabbey, 3" folded rule, 12" extended, Marked #1150
 | 507 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 3" folded rule, 6" extended with Caliper, Marked #13 1/2
 | 508 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 3" folded rule, 6" extended with Caliper, Marked #13 1/2
 | 509 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 3" folded rule, 6" extended with Caliper, Marked #36
 | 510 Rule, Stanley, 3 inch rule with caliper, Marked No. 136
511 Rule Folded, Stanley, 3 inch rule with caliper, Marked No. 136R
 | 512 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 6" folded rule, 24" extended, Marked #54
 | 513 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 6" folded rule, 24" extended, Marked #32 1/2
 | 514 Rule, Folded, Lufkin, 6" folded rule, 24" ext, Marked Lufkin Special, Metric one side, Inches Reverse Side
 | 515 Rule, Folded, Unreadable Marking, 6" folded rule, 24" extended, Marked #1123
516 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 6" folded rule, 24" extended, Marked #78 1/2
 | 517 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 6" folded rule, 24" extended, Marked #84
 | 518 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 6" folded rule, 24" extended, Marked Stanley
 | 519 Rule, Folded, J. Rabone & Sons, Birmingham, 6" folded rule. 24" extended, Advertising rule
 | 520 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 6" folded rule. 24" extended, Marked "Stanley No. 63"
521 Rule, Folded, Rabone, 6" folded rule. 24" extended, Marked "Rabone No. 2550"
 | 522 Rule, Folded, Hockley Abbey, 6" folded rule. 24" extended, Marked No. 1163
 | 523 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 6" folded rule. 24" extended, Marked "Stanley No. 61"
 | 524 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 6" folded rule. 24" extended, Marked "Stanley"
 | 525 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 6" folded rule. 24" extended, Marked "Stanley No. 61"
526 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 6" folded rule. 24" extended, Marked "Stanley No. 63"
 | 527 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 6" folded rule. 24" extended, Marked "Stanley No. 53 1/2"
 | 528 Rule, Folded, Lufkin, 6" folded rule. 24" extended, Marked "Lufkin No. 751"
 | 529 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 6" folded rule. 24" extended, Marked "Stanley No.7"
 | 530 Rule, Folded, Unknown Maker, 6" folded rule. 24" extended, "Hydraulic Brick Company"
531 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 6" folded rule. 12" extended, With Caliper, Marked "Stanley No.36 1/2"
 | 532 Rule, Folded, Lufkin, 6" folded rule.With Caliper, Marked "Lufkin No. 372R"
 | 533 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 6" folded rule. 12" extended, With Caliper, Marked "Stanley No.36 1/2L"
 | 534 Rule, Folded, Stanley, 6" folded rule. 12" extended, With Caliper, Marked "Stanley No.36 1/2L"
 | 535 Rule, Folded C-S Co. Pinemeadow Conn. 6" folded rule. 12" extended with caliper Marked No. 36 1/2 The C-S. Co.
536 Rule, Folded Rabone & Sons 6" folded rule Marked No. 1207 J. Rabone & Sons
 | 537 Rule, Folded Unknown Maker 6" folded rule. 12" extended with caliper Marked No. 36 1/2
 | 538 Rule, Folded Lufkin 6" folded rule. 24" extended with caliper Marked Lufkin Rule Cleavland Ohio
 | 539 Rule, Unknown Maker 6" Advertising Rule
 | 540 Rule, Folded Stanley 9" folded rule 36" extended Marked "Stanley No. 66 1/2"
541 Rule, Folded Stanley 9" folded rule 36" extended Marked "Stanley No. 66 1/2"
 | 542 Rule, Folded Stanley 9" folded rule 36" extended Marked "Stanley No. 66 1/2"
 | 543 Rule, Folded Lufkin 9" folded rule 36" extended Marked Lufkin 3881 (66 1/2) Brass edges
 | 544 Rule, Folded Rabone 9" folded rule 36" extended Marked "Rabone No. 1167"
 | 545 Rule, Folded I & D. Smallwood 9" folded rule, 36" extended with level Marked "I & D. Smallwood"
546 Rule, Folded Stanley 9" folded rule 48" extended Marked Stanley No. 94) Brass edges
 | 547 Rule, Folded Hockley Abbey 6" folded rule. 24" extended Marked Hockley Abbey
 | 548 Rule, Folded Stanley 6" folded rule. 24" extended Marked Stanley No. 18
 | 549 Rule, Folded Rabone & Sons 12" folded rule 24" extended Marked "J. Rabone & Sons #1246"
 | 550 Rule, Folded Stanley 12" folded rule 24" extended Marked "Stanley No. 5"
551 Rule, Folded G.T.L. 12" folded rule 24" extended Marked "G.T.L."
 | 552 Rule, Folded Stanley 12" folded rule 24" extended Marked "Stanley No. 22"
 | 553 Rule, Folded Stanley 12" folded rule 24" extended Marked "No. 31 1/2"
 | 554 Rule, C. S. Co 12" rule Marked "C. S. Co. No. 12"
 | 555 Rule, Folded Edward Preston & Sons 12" folded rule 24" extended
556 Rule, Folded Stanley 12" folded rule 24" extended Marked "Stanley No. 17"
 | 557 Rule, Folded Lufkin 6ft. folded rule Model #1066D Inches and Decimal Feet
 | 558 Rule, Folded K&E 6 Foot Whiteface Folded rule model #90 2000
 | 559 Rule, Folded Empire 6 Foot Folded rule
 | 560 Rule, Folded Unknown Maker 6 Foot Folded rule
561 Rule, Folded Lufkin 6 Ft Brick Mason's Folded rule Model #636
 | 562 Rule, Folded Stanley 6 Ft. Zig Zag folded rule Marked Model 227
 | 563 Rule, Folded Lufkin 4ft. folded rule Lufkin DoyleModel #524
 | 564 Rule, Folded K&E 3 Foot Folded rule
 | 565 Rule, Folded Stanley 4 Ft. Zig Zag folded rule
566 Rule, Folded Lufkin 6ft. folded rule Lufkin All Steel Model #1176
 | 567 Rule, Folded Unkown Maker 6ft. folded rule All Steel
 | 568 Rule, Folded Master Rule Co. Inc. NY 6ft. Sliding expandable Interlox Model #106
 | 569 Rule, Folded Master Rule Co. Inc. NY 6ft. Sliding expandable Interlox Model #106
 | 570 Rule, Folded Master Rule Co. Inc. NY 6ft. Sliding expandable Interlox
571 Rule, Folded Master Rule Co. Inc. NY 4ft. Sliding expandable Interlox
 | 572 Rule, Folded Dahl Mfg.NY 4ft. Sliding expandable
 | 573 Rule, Folded Master Rule Co. Inc. NY 6ft. Sliding expandable Interlox Model #106
 | 574 Rule, Folded Dahl Mfg.NY 6ft. Sliding expandable
 | 575 Rule, Folded E. A. Stearns & Co. 3" folded rule 12" extended Marked "No. 51R"
576 Rule, Kerby & Bro. Makers 5" specialized rule with caliper Used for wire Rope Industry