
Wayne E. FeelyChemical Slide RulesSlide Rule Gazette. Issue 2 Autumn 2001 Pg 35
Andries de ManChemical Slide Rules Re-visitedSlide Rule Gazette. Issue 19 Autumn 2019 Pg 129.
Conrad SchureThe Wollaston Chemical Slide RuleJournal of the Oughtred Society Vol. 5, No 1, March 1996 Pg 22.
Louis J. GotlibChemical Slide Rules: Their History and UseJournal of the Oughtred Society Vol. 21, No. 2, 2012 Pg 8
Richard Smith HughesA Layman's Guide to Chemical Slide RulesJournal of the Oughtred Society Vol. 22, No. 1, 2013 Pg 2

Created by Rod Lovett