Name and Model Number | Tavernier-Gravet Eclimetre de Goulier |
Country of Origin | France |
Date of Manufacture | c. 1900 |
Front Scales | Special Col. Goulier "Stadia" scales |
Back Scales | Upper and lower beveled edges: Special map measuring scales |
Scale Length | 16.5 cm calculating scales |
Type of Rule | Instrument |
Construction | Boxwood slide rule (32 cm x 4.2 cm) with metal & glass Eclimetre/Alidade mounted on one end of the slide. Two beveled edges. Scales engraved directly on wood. Level bubbles on the end of the slide rule and on the scope. Instructions (in French) for use on the backside and in well of slide rule. Fitted wooden box to store the slide rule. |
Area of Use | Topography |
Comment | For topographic surveying measurements and calculations. Data is used to generate contour maps. May also be used for military purposes.
Scope has vertical and horizontal "reticule" hairlines in viewfinder for making observations on a stadia rod. The observed data is used to determine the elevation difference and distance from an observation point to a distant point. Scales on the slide rule (developed by the Frenchman Colonel du Genie Goulier) are used to make the calculations. Tavernier-Gravet, Rue Mayet 19, Paris engraved on the slide rule and displayed on the edge of the reticule matrix. Examples in collections are often in very good condition because of the sturdy wood box that is used to garage the device when carried in the field. Details from Heer, Rudowski & Wagner in Slide Rule Gazette (2010) & Richard Smith Hughes (personal communication).
Rarity | RR-RRR |
Donor | Collection of Ed Chamberlain |
Match Number | 200
Thumbnail (Click Picture for Details) |  |
In conjunction with our 'donors' we assign a rarity rating to each item, based on the system devised by Herman van Herwijnen |
(1929 - 2004), renowned Dutch collector, author, and creator of Herman's Archive, a collection of 5,000 slide rule images on CD. |
• RR = Rare - 1 of 25 collectors has one; it may take a year to find an example in the marketplace. |
• RRR = Very Rare - only a few known to collectors; may be several years before it comes up for sale. |
• RRRR = Extremely Rare - a museum piece; unlikely that an example will come up for sale.