D.D. David Davis - from his web site of the "Relay/Ricoh Archive" listing of slide rules.
clara.coFrom Ron Manley's web site, "".
C.M. - Clark McCoyFrom Clark's web site on K&E slide rules and catalogs; see also under MOL - Michael O'Leary and Clark McCoy- from email pictures Michael sent the Author on K&E and Pickett slide rules.
CLAYClay Castleberry has a different version of the Chinese Paper slide rule.
EJCFrom Article by Edwin J. Chamberlain, PE, in JOS Volume 23, Number 1, Spring 2014, Page 52
eBayFrom pictures and listings of slide rules on eBay.
FaheyJohn Fahey - from pictures he furnished to me on the Eckel Circular side rule.
HVHMany of the listings were checked to Herman Van Herwijnen's listing of slide rules. (See "Lov" below). These many cross-checks are not listed. However, Herman's immense contibution to slide rule knowledge needs to be remembered.
Holland and D.v.J.From Peter Holland and Dieter von Jezierski - email pictures, and copies of the translation of the manual by Dieter, of the Faber-Castell 989.
JOSThe Journal of the Oughtred Society, and JOS PLUS is on the OS web site.
J. R. G.From information sent to me by Joäo Roberto Gabbardo on the Archimedes slide rule.
LovRod's Slide Rules is Rod Lovett's web site in England. On this you will find Herman's Archive (See HVH above).
MOLMichael O'Leary and Clark McCoy- from email pictures Michael sent the Author on K&E and Pickett slide rules; and from Clark's web site on K&E slide rules and catalogs.
P. RossPaul Ross - from his Article in Spring 2003, Journal of the Oughtred Society;"A Comprehensive Hemmi Slide Rule Catalog".
PMHFrom Peter M. Hopp's, book, "SLIDE RULES Their History, Models, and Makers", Astragal Press, 1999.
PVMFrom Pierre Vander Meulen's article on "Hyperbolic Functions on Slide Rules and Civil Engineering Applications", Autumn 2001 issue of the "Slide Rule GAZETTE" (UK); and, from email pictures and information he furnished.
R. K.From emails sent to me by Ron Knapp.
R. H.From information sent to me by Richard Smith Hughes about the slide rules in his collection.
R. S.Rodger Shepherd - from articles he sent to me on the Blanc and Pletts slide rules.
S. T.From scans and information sent to me by Steve Treadwell on the Lutz No. 300 B and the Ricoh No.159
S. S.Steve Seale - from pictures of the slide rule and information he sent to me
SPHERESphere Research, "Slide Rule Universe"- from pictures on their web site.
WKRFrom the Author's collection of slide rules. For corrections and additions to the listing email:
WKRMFrom the Author's collection of instruction manuals.
Xu GuishengFrom this Chinese collector's slide rule collection.