Hyperbolic Match Output


Maker: Hemmi



Scales Front: L, K, A [B, CI, S1, T1, C] D, Sθ / Gθ

Scales Back: [LL3, LL3, LL2, LL2, LL1, LL1]

Gauge Marks: π

Cursor Front:

Cursor Back:

Construction: 25 cm.

Date: 1939?


Information: "MIGHT." Listed without description by Katsunori Kadokura (Chronology of Japanese Hemmi Slide Rules, Journal of the Oughtred Soc, Vol 1, No 2, Au gust 1992). Pictured specimen identified as Model 120 by Yukio Kubota, March 2014.
FanHsiu has created a document on how to use this rule - after the images.