Hyperbolic Match Output


Maker: Jian She

Model: Type 53-01


Scales Front: || LL1, CU (L), R, T CT || B, S CS, SH, SHθ/θ, ΔH, THθ/θ, CI, C || D, LL2, LL3

Scales Back:

Gauge Marks: π

Cursor Front:

Cursor Back:

Construction: 25cm.; Cursor: Aluminum framed with glass lens, single hairlines.

Date: 1960

Source: ISRM

Information: The Jian She is not the same as the Jiang Shi Slide Rule made by Gong Si He Ying, Hangzhou Stationery Factory per Sun (Forster) Fang.
Although the scales are identical to the JiangsShi slide rule, there is no indication that it was also designed by Deyao Jiang.